About Us

Queenellen Enteprises

Inform – Interpret – Interact


Queenellen Enterprises Services and Capabilities
Founded in 1998 by Ellen Dornan, and operated as a woman-owned sole proprietorship, Queenellen Enterprises designs, organizes, researches, writes, and edits interpretive and educational projects in all media, with a particular focus on the natural and cultural heritage of the western U.S.

Ms. Dornan uses her extensive background in the visitor service industry, and her education in instructional technologies to identify innovative ways to meet visitor needs and to attain educational objectives.

Queenellen Enterprises has completed complex projects for the Bureau of Land Management, the USDA Forest Service, the National Park Service, the Public Lands Interpretive Association, and other private and non-profit clients.

Program Evaluation
Ms. Dornan designs and implements all levels of developmental, formative, or summative program evaluations. Ms. Dornan specializes in evaluating new media products, informal education programs, and workplace training. Evaluation designs are carefully focused for the task at hand, with an emphasis on creating a useful and useable product for the project stakeholders.

Most clients with an online presence need regular evaluations of visitation to their websites. Ms. Dornan offers comprehensive reporting on use, demographics, referrals, and of course, conversions, to ensure investments are directed and effective.

Team Leadership & Project Management
Ms. Dornan is a capable and efficient leader of a dispersed team, enabling each team member to have autonomy over his or her project tasks, but ensuring all work is integrated, functional, and timely.

Concept and Content Development
Ms. Dornan conceived of and executed numerous projects that have aided federal land management agencies to provide their constituency with better customer service and superior interpretation of public resources. Recent projects include print/audio auto tours distributed from the internet; interactive historical maps; printed recreation maps and brochures; producing and presenting multimedia lectures; building online communities; supporting planning for federal and state projects through improved digital communications; simulations; tutorials; documentary video; and games.

Writing and Research
Ms. Dornan is a versatile, accurate, and articulate writer who can capably produce scholarly research and analysis, ad copy, evocative description, technical documentation, and turgid commentary. When approaching sensitive cultural issues, Ms. Dornan strives for a balanced and informed perspective (except for the blog, OK?).

In recent months, I have been investigating the most intriguing and delightful puzzle, and in the process discovering all the juicy gossip of New Mexico in the 17th century. Perfidious priests, adulterers, sorcerers, assassins and of course the Spanish Inquisition. No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!!

Other recent research interests include the last 400 years of New Mexican history; the Civil War in the Southwest; Western Apache culture and battles; and the intersection of recreation and history in northwest Wyoming. Media studies include the use of narrative and fun in digital media.

Past projects include an analysis of how El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro impacted the natural resources of the Chihuahuan desert; online exhibits on the BLM National Landscape Conservation System; the effects of land use on the economy of western Wyoming; Aldo Leopold and the Gila Wilderness; various essays on endangered species recovery, energy development on public lands, Spanish explorers, mountain men, and other recreation and land use issues.

Editorial Work
Ms. Dornan is a card-carrying member of the Militant Grammarians of New Mexico (MGNM). Besides ensuring that all content is terse, grammatical, and spelled correctly, the content is always edited for the medium. No matter what the end product, the content should be edited for optimal legibility, and to reinforce the medium.

Database Administration & Maintenance
Ms. Dornan is a skilled database administrator. She has over a decade of experience designing, creating content for, and maintaining both online and offline databases.

Instructional Design
Ms. Dornan is an inventive designer of on-site, distance, computer-based, or hybrid instructional programs for adults as well as curricula for children. She also has experience training personnel across a variety of industries, conducting workshops, and designing and delivering presentations.

Webmistress With the Mostest!
Care and feeding of your website doesn’t stop with putting up a gorgeous design and clever content. Ms. Dornan can help you make your website visible and successful with domain, hosting, email, and listserv management, spam blocking, traffic reports & other evaluations, marketing campaigns, search engine optimization, and enhancing conversion rates.



It’s hard not to feel despair in the world. Finding gratitude is a practice but the discovery that abundance can be found in the bleakest places is a revelation. That’s why I’m passionate about Desert Abundance, which offers all kinds of treats for the mind, body & spirit, all harvested from the rich lands of New Mexico.

Prickly Pear mocktail, so fancy & refreshing!

A bird in the hand is a certainty, but a bird in the bush may sing.
Bret Harte (1836-1902)
Find more at Desert Abundance